Gallery Custom Framing of Original Paintings

Framed Original

Custom Wood Gallery Frame

All large mixed medium paintings on stretched canvas are framed in a sturdy custom hard wood profile specialy milled for our gallery. Custom colors that compliment each piece have been carefuly selected.

Gallery Metal Frames

Framed Reproduction

Nielsen Metal Frames

We selected A Nielsen Metal profile for the prints that we frame for our gallery. Two colors are used German Silver & Dusk that pair well with all our prints. An off white matt is used as it will suite any interior.

Gallery Foil Framed Reproductions

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Exclusive Gallery Foil Frames

A minimalist style frame constructed in the same manner as a traditional stained glass window. Copper foil is applied to the edges of the glass then soldered in place a black patina is then applied to the metal edging.
Because of its minimal appearance this frame is our most popular choice for framing our small reproductions. It bridges the gap between traditional & modern interiors.

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